Tuesday, 7 February 2012 @ 01:09
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Something to make you smile. This is the best thing I've watched in a really long time. She is incredibly adorable and does not look 31 at all.

School has been incredibly draining, just by the end of Monday I'd already feel exhausted (though that might be because of mass PE). Anyway, I feel that not only myself but everyone is so tired and just trying to make it pass this year excelling. Wish I could do something about it. I keep feeling that I'm not cut out for this and the worst thing is I'm not even taking subjects so that I can qualify for a specific course in uni. I have no use for them and that just makes it so much harder to put in effort and study. Someone needs to be here to scold me whenever I take a nap/ draw/ write instead of studying. Someone to be strict with me. I'm really worried for myself. I have zero self-control and get distracted so easily, it's terrible.
Oh Motivation, where art thou?

On another note, Friendship day/ Valentine's Day is coming and I've started writing letters for some people. I feel incredible lucky to have them in my life.

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Blogger Karyn, 3 May 2012 at 01:15:
Here I am looking through your blog when really all I should be doing night and day is school work! I am even studying things that I am interested in and I still have a hard time sometimes feeling like it's not completely draining me. I'm so looking forward to summer break!

Thanks for that little pick me up video. It's hilarious!
Blogger Sui Ying, 13 May 2012 at 22:43:
Oh lucky you! I wish I could study something I'm interested in. Glad you enjoyed it and my blog :-)

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