Dream House: Holly Golightly's Breakfast at Tiffany's house
Friday, 6 January 2012 @ 23:32
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Source: curbed

After 11 years under the thumb of a former Merrill Lynch broker who was docked for insider trading, the Manhattan townhouse made famous by the iconic Audrey Hepburn flick Breakfast at Tiffany's has again come up for sale. Listed for $5.85M, the 15-foot-wide Upper East Side house served as the backdrop for the exterior shots, but, disappointingly, it seems most of the interiors were shot on a sound stage. Regardless, it is incredibly gorgeous and who wouldn't want to own (and live in) such a incredible piece of cinematic history? Ahhh if only I have $6 million to spare. Hah!

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Anonymous Anonymous, 19 January 2012 at 00:56:
LOVE LOVE LOVE. ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE! Now all I need is money :(

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